Art from the Margins bringing in 2020 with a bang

General Manager's update
Welcome back for an engaging program of Art from the Margins (AFTM) exhibitions, creative workshops, mentorships and events in 2020!
2019 was a big year for AFTM. We adopted a new vision statement with a mission to “be a leading provider of visual art programs and opportunities for people living with adversity and disabilities in Queensland”. In the last financial year, we supported 332 disadvantaged artists, exhibited 531 works in 9 exhibitions and had a further 1322 workshop attendances. Huge - and we couldn’t have done it without your support!
Our studio program recommences from 13 January with a new offering of structured workshops and a drop in Open Studio day. We also start the year with another exciting mural project as part of the Queensland Rail positive pARTnerships initiative and our first exhibition for the year, Serenity: the art of John Fu Chong, officially opens on
1 February, coinciding with BrisAsia 2020.
This year also sees a return of our local, AFTM Queensland Outsider Art Award with all entrants exhibited. Watch out for the call out for entries, dates and venue in coming months!
Stephanie Lindquist, General Manager at Art from the Margins