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Social media guidelines


Wesley Mission Queensland (WMQ) recognises the importance of social media and is committed to ensuring its own social media communications are responsible, respectful and lawful.

WMQ welcomes comments and questions on our social media pages but requests that people show courtesy and respect to others and not use the space to abuse others, expose others to offensive or inappropriate content, or for unlawful purposes. 

These guidelines apply regardless of where or when a post or communication is published online. It applies to all of WMQ’s social media accounts and affiliated pages and groups.


Social media is a set of internet-based tools used for sharing and discussing information. It refers to user-generated information, opinion and other content shared and discussed over open digital networks.

Social media may include, but is not limited to:

  • Social networking sites—Facebook, LinkedIn
  • Photo sharing, infographics and video websites—Flickr, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube
  • Blogs, including corporate, government and industry blogs
  • Micro-blogging—Twitter (multiple accounts)
  • Forums, discussion boards and groups—Google groups, Whirlpool, Reddit, Digg
  • Wikipedia
  • Vodcasting and podcasting
  • Email and instant messaging.
  • Social media also includes all other emerging electronic/digital communication applications.
Post means any statement, comment, material, page content, questions, status update, blog comment, tag, like, shared item, private message, or other form of communication made on social media.

Official use of social media

Wesley Mission Queensland makes use of social media by contributing original content to:

  • Its own social media platforms, discussion forums or other time-specific initiatives.
  • By contributing content to social media platforms operated by external organisations.
  • By sharing content from online platforms operated by external organisations, including news outlets, influentials, government or other non-for-profit organisations.

WMQ makes no warranty or representation regarding the accuracy, reliability, validity and/or completeness of third-party information.

User guidelines

Wesley Mission Queensland welcomes the sharing and discussing of ideas with its many stakeholders and the Australian public who use social media.

When contributing to WMQ’s social media pages and platforms, users are asked to comply with the following guidelines.

  • Protect your personal privacy and that of others by not including personal information of either yourself or of others in your posts (for example, names, email addresses, private addresses or phone numbers)
  • Represent your own views and not impersonate or falsely represent any other person.
  • Do not be abusive, harass or threaten others; do not make defamatory or libellous comments.
  • Do not use insulting, provocative or hateful language; do not use obscene or offensive language.
  • Do not post material that infringes the intellectual property rights of others.
  • Do not post multiple versions of the same view or make excessive postings on a particular issue.
  • Do not promote commercial interests in your posts; do not post overtly party political comments.
  • Do not include internet addresses or links to websites, or any email addresses in your posts.
  • Do not make unproven or unsupported accusations against individuals or organisations.
  • Do not encourage conduct that may or would constitute a criminal offence or give rise to civil liability, or that otherwise violates any local, provincial, national or international law or regulation anywhere in the world.
  • Do not incite hatred on the basis of any personal characteristic, including on the basis of race, gender, marital or domestic status, religion, disability, sexuality or age.
  • Do not identify matters that are currently the subject of legal proceedings or would break a court’s non-publication order.
  • Do not make comments that are irrelevant to the topic being discussed.

Moderation guidelines

Wesley Mission Queensland reserves the right to enforce this policy at its discretion. While user generated comments are not edited, WMQ uses the following guidelines to ensure a positive experience for all and to determine the appropriateness of community posts.

  • Wesley Mission Queensland may report, hide or remove at its discretion any content or comments containing:
    • Defamatory, offensive, unlawful or otherwise objectionable or prohibited material.
    • Forms of solicitation or advertising.
    • Posts that contain a link to, or copy of content that is subject to an online content complaint or not published in the interest of protecting others from inadvertently accessing material that may be prohibited.
  •  WMQ may block or delete a user if it considers they have breached this policy.
  •  WMQ may hide comments it feels are not on topic, nor relevant to Wesley Mission Queensland.


All Wesley Mission Queensland social media accounts will be monitored during work hours, and outside of work hours when necessary.

Social media platforms are reviewed and modified continuously to keep them in line with the overall objectives and needs of the Wesley Mission Queensland community and the public.


In accordance with Wesley Mission Queensland’s Privacy Policy, personal information will not be used or shared across Wesley Mission Queensland’s social media platforms.

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