Spread Christmas cheer with Stellar Arts this year

Participants from Stellar Arts have created a beautiful range of Christmas cards that are now available to purchase with all profits going to the artists.
It truly has been a team effort across WMQ with artists from Wesley Care, Rocklea and ORCA.
Reena, Allira, Larissa and Natasha from ORCA have created a suite of cards that portray Australian floral bunch while Mary has made the Christmas Beetle the star of her card. The designs were created over numerous weeks and involved stencil making, mono-printing, painting and collage.
All cards can be customised to include a message and logo making them perfect for corporate Christmas cards. If you have any business contacts, please pass on this information to them.
Why not pick up some cards for yourself and make your family and friend’s festive season by sending them something beautiful in the mail that supports and encourages a wonderful group of people.
The artists have even created a thank you video which you can view below.
To purchase cards please visit Stellar Arts Shopify site.