New report highlights benefits of Youth Foyers for helping youth in crisis

Wesley Mission Queensland’s Logan Youth Foyer recently hosted the launch of a new report on youth homelessness, Under One Roof, which highlights the impact that youth foyers can have in changing outcomes for young people who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness.
Youth Foyers provide young people aged 16-24 in crisis with accommodation and guidance to improve their skills and gain access to supports which help them become contributing members of the community.
With only three foyers currently in Queensland, each having capacity for about 40 residents, the demand has outgrown supply.
WMQ worked with the Foyer Foundation on the official launch of the Under One Roof report by then Queensland Housing Minister Leanne Enoch Minister Enoch who said youth foyers were an excellent example of the government and industry coming together to make a significant impact on young people.
“We know that for young people to achieve their goals, they need a stable and secure place to live and a support network around them,” Minister Enoch said.
Foyer Foundation CEO Liz Cameron-Smith said the Under One Roof report highlighted the urgent need for more support for young Australians to get their lives back on track.
“Only 25 per cent of those who asked for medium term or transitional housing received it, and of those requesting long-term housing, it was a mere four per cent,’’ Cameron-Smith said.
“Just as worryingly, young people experiencing homelessness aren’t getting the education and employment support they need to join the workforce and gain independence.
The report found Youth Foyers create an average of $89,000 in benefits for state governments through the avoided social housing, health and justice costs.
WMQ’s Logan Youth Foyer has accommodated almost 300 young people since 2009. The team sees positive outcomes for many who come through the Foyer, including reconnecting with family and friends and pursuing educational and employment goals.
The organisation supports the Foyer Foundation’s call for additional government funding and collaboration to ensure that more young adults have access to this proven model.