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Home and Daily Living

Help in your home and garden, including personal care, day-to-day housekeeping, general maintenance and minor modifications.

We are an approved home care provider with over 20 years of experience and a commitment to quality care. We’ll listen and find out what’s important to you to ensure we do things to your liking.
Home care worker assisting retiree with grocery shopping at the supermarket

Day to day housekeeping and personal care

Personal care support can include help with:

  • Showering 
  • Grooming and personal hygiene (e.g. applying creams & lotions, makeup, hair care, shaving, and use of continence aids)
  • Dressing and undressing
  • Getting in and out of bed or accessing mobility aids in your home
  • Medications.

We provide day-to-day housekeeping and cleaning services to support you to stay independent and live well at home. This may include:

  • Dusting
  • Vacuuming
  • Mopping
  • Dishwashing
  • Kitchen and bathroom cleaning
  • Bed making
  • Washing and ironing
  • Supporting with day-to-day errands and chores such as banking.
Whether you choose to do your grocery shopping in-store or online, we can support you. We can also provide transport and accompany you to the store or can do your shopping on your behalf – whatever you prefer.
We help you continue to enjoy tasty and healthy meals in your own home. 

If you enjoy cooking, why not have a care worker cook with you and support you to prepare your own meals? Alternatively, have us prepare meals to your taste or arrange home delivery of meals from a range of healthy meal services. Or enjoy a combination of these options.
We provide support with walking and feeding pets, so you can continue to enjoy the benefits of pet ownership in your own home. 

General home maintenance including gardening and minor modifications

We can assist with minor home modifications that help you to remain safe and independent in and around your home. Based on your assessed needs minor modifications may include:

  • Fitting of grab rails to assist you with moving around your house, in and out of your shower or bath, and on and off the toilet
  • Fitting of handrails on steps and staircases
  • Installing handheld showers or easy turn taps to allow you to function independently
  • Fitting of bed and chair raisers to enable you to get on and off furniture more easily
  • Other modifications to help you stay safe.

We can also arrange lawn and garden maintenance and external house and yard cleaning including:

  • Lawn mowing
  • Weeding
  • Hedging and pruning
  • General garden care.

Our home maintenance services help you to live safely and securely in your home. This service includes:

  • Changing light globes
  • Servicing taps and toilets
  • Repairing loose step treads
  • Installing smoke alarms and changing batteries
  • Repairing and installing window and door locks

We also make referrals to appropriate sub-contractors where necessary for essential home maintenance tasks.

Build your own Home Care Package

Answer a few short questions and use our Home Care Package builder to tailor a plan that suits your needs.

This way you can choose the services that best suit you. (Link opens in new window).

Service regions

We provide or arrange this service throughout south east Queensland. Depending on the funding we are allocated at different times, our ability to offer services in different locations varies.

Ask Wesley Mission Queensland which services are available in your area.

Funding and payment

We’ll talk you through all the costs and fees before your services begin.

You can access these services under your  Home Care Package funding, or with  CHSP funding and an appropriate referral. You can also pay privately for any of these services.

Learn more

Our services

You'll find us throughout south east Queensland. The services available can vary based on where you live and on the type of government funding you are accessing.


Day to day housekeeping

Help with the housework, laundry and shopping.


Clinical support for managing medications or health conditions.

Respite care

In home, centre-based and overnight respite.

Residents enjoying the Community craft activities

Social support

Companionship in your home or on outings, and connecting you with local interest groups.

Residents painting as part of the Community program

Allied health

Professional advice, support and equipment to improve your mobility and wellbeing.

In home services such as nursing.


Transport arrangements for social outings, shopping trips or appointments.

Community care provides resident transport to activities

Personal care

Assistance with showering, dressing and toileting.

In home care assistant brushing a residents hair


General home maintenance and minor modifications.

Home assistance such as gardening and  home maintenance

Home care that works for you

Contact us on 1800 448 448 or complete this form.

Care recipient's details

Format: AC12345678

Format: DD/MM/YYYY

Do you have funding to pay for this service? (required)

Format: 1-XXXX or 2-XXXX

Format: 1-XXXX or 2-XXXX

At Wesley Mission Queensland, we’re committed to the privacy of your personal information. Information provided will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Lady holding dog