Staff communication.
All Wesley Mission Queensland physical sites (excluding residential aged care (RAC), community aged care essential services, specialist disability accommodation (SDA) and Hopewell Hospice) will remain closed on Tuesday 11 March
All sites (excluding Community Transport Service and Home Assist Service) will reopen Wednesday 12 March.
The Community Transport Service and Home Assist Service will reopen Thursday 13 March.
Remote working arrangements (telehealth, online virtual classes/support) and work from home (WFH) will remain in place for tomorrow.
A comprehensive list of service changes is also listed on our webpage Ex-Cyclone Alfred Update
Staff unable to work from home (eg loss of power/connectivity) can work from Chermside corporate offices, following approval from your manager.
We acknowledge the impacts of this weather event have been wide reaching and some staff will be unable to attend work or carry out their shifts remotely.
Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred has been declared a natural disaster in the following Local Government Areas (LGA)
We also expect further declarations as flooding continues through Ipswich and Lockyer Valley. The full list of information can be found here .
Where a local disaster response has been declared, an employee may request disaster leave if they are prevented from attending their normal place of employment because of floods, cyclonic disturbances, bushfires or severe storms and may be granted leave on full pay not deducted from any leave account.
This leave applies when an employee:
Entitlement and approval
An employee is entitled to the following leave because of floods, cyclonic disturbances, bushfires or severe storms:
Approval of leave is subject to the Manager and the Director of the service (who will speak to their P&C Business Partner for advice) being satisfied that the absence is justified and unavoidable. Please note, evidence may be sought. Once approved disaster leave should be entered as “Recovery Leave” in Mirus.
For those significantly impacted by the weather event, please be aware that personal hardship financial assistance is also available through state and federal government grants.
We know many staff have been significantly impacted by power outages, heavy rain and flash flooding. Our thoughts are particularly with those who have been displaced or dealing with rising flood water near their homes.
Thank you once again for your resilience during challenging times. We look forward to seeing the doors to most of our services reopen in the coming 24 hours, providing support to those who need us most.
Warm wishes
Jude Emmer (CEO) & Emergency Response Team