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The Way Back Support Service

 Brisbane Gold Coast

A service in the Gold Coast and Brisbane South regions providing practical support to those who are suicidal, have attempted suicide or had a suicidal crisis.


The Way Back Support Service (TWBSS) aims to support those who have attempted suicide or had a suicidal crisis, to minimise the risk of re-attempts. The service aims to increase social connectedness, improve access to clinical and community support services, and build the capacity of individuals to self-manage and improve mental wellbeing.

Ways we help

Wesley Mission Queensland provides this service to eligible people who live in the Gold Coast and Brisbane south regions. This service can be delivered in a range of ways including over the phone, face-to-face and online. Some of the practical ways we help those at risk include:

  • Providing encouragement, support, and regular contact
  • Encouraging individuals to follow hospital discharge and safety plans
  • Facilitating access to a range of community services (such as housing, income support, family support, education and employment), with the aim of addressing some of the issues that may be leading to distress
  • Supporting attendance at relevant appointments
  • Supporting clients to connect with formal and informal support networks.

Eligibility for Gold Coast region

General referrals
The Way Back Support Service (TWBSS) Out of Hospital (OOH) pathway

People residing in Gold Coast aged 16 years and older who have presented to a General Practice, Medicare Mental Health Phone Service, Aboriginal Medical Service, Virtual Psychology, Headspace or School-based Clinician or AoD service and are experiencing suicidal thoughts.


Referrals can be made by:

Wesley Mission QLD referral form

Hospital referrals
The Way Back Support Service pathway (TWBSS)

We accept referrals from Robina or Gold Coast University Hospitals for people who live in the Gold Coast Primary Health Network region who have presented to the Robina or Gold Coast University Hospital emergency department following a suicide attempt or experiencing a suicidal crisis; or have been admitted to Robina or Gold Coast University Hospital and are on the Gold Coast Suicide Prevention Pathway.

Eligibility for Brisbane South region

General referrals
The Way Back Support Service (TWBSS) Out of Hospital (OOH) pathway

People residing in Brisbane South aged 15 years and older who have presented to a Medicare Mental Health Centre, Medicare Mental Health Phone Service or MH-Call, and are experiencing suicidal thoughts.


Referrals can be made by:

Wesley Mission QLD referral form

Hospital referrals
The Way Back Support Service pathway (TWBSS)

We accept referrals from key referring teams within the Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH) and Logan Hospital mental health services for individuals who live in the Metro South catchment region and who have presented to PAH or Logan Hospital emergency department following a suicide attempt or experiencing a suicidal crisis.

This is not a crisis service

If you or a loved one are in crisis, please call:

 Lifeline on 13 11 14 or the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467.

This service has been made possible with funding from Brisbane South PHN and Gold Coast PHN and is delivered in collaboration with Brisbane South PHN, Gold Coast PHN, Metro South Addictions and Mental Health Service, Queensland Health, the Commonwealth Department of Health and referring teams at PAH and Robina and Gold Coast University Hospitals. 

We're here to help

For more information about this program or to get started, call us on 07 3151 3825​ or contact us online.

Contact us

Call us on 07 3151 3825​ or complete this form.
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