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WMQ Modern Slavery Statement

Wesley Mission Queensland’s vision is for a compassionate, just and inclusive society for all. We are opposed to any practices that disadvantage or harm an individual or restricts their rights or freedom.

We are committed to preventing, detecting and responding to modern slavery risks in our operations and supply chains. Wesley Mission Queensland takes seriously our responsibility to prevent, detect and respond to modern slavery risks in our operations and supply chains.

Modern slavery includes trafficking persons, slavery, servitude, forced marriage, forced labour, debt bondage, deceptive recruiting for labour or services, and child labour.

We have implemented processes that identify risks so that we can make informed decisions that mitigate any potential concerns. We work collaboratively with our suppliers to ensure we are well informed about their practices.

Our modern slavery action plan is reviewed annually to ensure it is current and we remain accountable. This statement provides a summary of the actions taken to align with the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth).


FY23-24 Annual Modern Slavery Statement

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FY22-23 Annual Modern Slavery Statement

.PDF (0.5 MB)

2022 Annual WMQ Modern Slavery Statement

.PDF (0.4 MB)

2021 Annual WMQ Modern Slavery Statement

.PDF (0.5 MB)

2020 Annual WMQ Modern Slavery Statement

.PDF (0.3 MB)

In this section


600 people
in need

receive a free meal, sandwich or food parcel each week.

More than

young adults call our supported accommodation units home.


supported to lead a fulfilling and independent life.

More than

retirees reside in our award-winning independent retirement villages.

More than

adults and children received youth and parenting support.

Your story is our story

Wesley Mission Queensland. Helping Queenslanders live better lives since 1907.