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The Eden Alternative™ philosophy of care

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Wesley Mission Queensland is the only aged care provider in Queensland with Eden fully registered aged care communities. The Eden Alternative™ philosophy of care is not a medical model of care – it’s a different way of thinking about aged care where you can have fun, celebrate life, spend time with pets, enjoy nature and your hobbies. 
Dovetree staff holding resident pet cats, their Eden philosophy companions

A life of meaning, purpose and grace

Our vision at Wesley Mission Queensland is a compassionate, just and inclusive society with our customers at the heart of everything we do. As part of our commitment to person-centred care, we adopted the Eden Alternative culture change model™ in 2002. We have over 150 staff trained as Eden Associates. We even have residents in our aged care homes who have undertaken Eden training to become Eden Ambassadors within their community!

The Eden Alternative™ philosophy of care is underpinned by rigorous international standards, some of which can take up to three years for accreditation. The Eden Alternative™ philosophy of care focuses on eliminating loneliness, helplessness and boredom from the lives of seniors living in aged care communities or their own home, by creating opportunities, meaningful engagement and spontaneity.

Eden in action

Every day our team of dedicated nursing and clinical staff, leisure and lifestyle coordinators, allied health professionals and chefs, all work together to provide a person-centred care environment. Some examples include:

  • Pets greeting you when you arrive at our aged care communities.
  • Residents are encouraged, where possible, to grow and tend to their own gardens and pot plants.
  • Asking residents for their opinion on decisions such as paint choices and artwork selections for common areas
  • Each aged care community is a vibrant hub of activity with on-site cafes, outdoor entertaining spaces, children's playgrounds and hairdressing services.
  • Giving residents a place on recruitment selection panels.  



Supporting you at every stage

Our team is here to guide you and your family through your choices, explain fees, and answer any questions you may have. Contact our friendly Residential Admissions Coordinators today.

Book a FREE consultation with our admissions team today

We know the path into residential aged care can be emotional and confusing, and our team is here to support you. Please call us on 1800 448 448 or complete this form.

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Please select an Aged Care Respite Community (optional)

At Wesley Mission Queensland, we’re committed to the privacy of your personal information. Information provided will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Retiree reading in one of our residential aged care communities in Brisbane